Collinsville High School mourns loss of student, Tray Turner


Collinsville High School student Tray Turner has passed away from injuries sustained from falling from a staircase, Monday afternoon.

Dr. Robert Green, Superintendent of the Collinsville School District, has released the following statement: “Collinsville Community Unit School District #10 is deeply saddened by the loss of Tray Turner, the student injured earlier this week at Collinsville High School.

“Each student is special and Tray will be missed. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to his family and friends,” Green said.

The district’s Help and Response Team (H.A.R.T.) of specially trained staff is helping students and faculty deal with this tragic loss.

Because the Kahok community is in mourning, today’s homecoming parade is cancelled. The homecoming football game, dance and coronation will go on this weekend as planned. KAHOKstrong continues its efforts to support Tray’s family.

This tragedy impacts everyone in the Unit 10 family. It is with heavy hearts that we move forward.

Tray Turner’s parents asked that the following message be shared today with Collinsville High School community: “We want you to know that we so greatly appreciate the prayers of support you have all provided this week. We ask that you continue to come together, united in focusing positive thoughts and prayers. This morning at approximately 9:30 a.m., Tray earned his angel wings. We ask that you all continue to honor Tray’s life by coming together in love.”

Dr. Kari Karidis, Assistant Principal at Collinsville High School, added, “Please continue to keep this family in your prayers in the next several weeks. We will honor Tray’s life at tomorrow night’s football game where we will be collecting donations for continued support at this difficult time.”


  1. The child was bullied and guess what, the school makes no mention of it….imagine that ! This angers me because I myself delt with these issues with my own child
    last year….no child deserves this !! I am sure it was a complete accident, but the child or group of children that possibly caused the pushing and shoving that caused this poor child to have injuries will never serve just cause for the behavior they indured…..God Bless you Tray and RIP !!!


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